Monday, March 1, 2010

GREEN is the color of March here in Three Rivers, CA, in the foothills below Sequoia National Park. It'll be gone in the blink of an eye, so soak it up while you can. The Miner's Lettuce leaves are abundant now and I can't wait for the Redbuds to join them (in my salad). But that's next month's 1st Saturday meal.

GREEN is the way to celebrate all things Irish as well. So, to celebrate the coming of spring and St. Patrick's Day, I will be serving Avocado Orange Chocolate Truffles for 1st Saturday Three Rivers (March 6th)- vegan of course. Dressed in shiny green foil, these little morsels will lighten a rainy day (and it WILL be raining on Saturday).

GREEN candles will be burning, along with a warm fire in the stove. The coffee will be hot. What better way could you spend a cold wet afternoon. But if you can't make it, you've just GOT to try these truffles. I make extra and freeze them so I always have some for guests.


1 large ripe avocado, peeled
1/2 cup vegan butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tsp. orange extract
4 cups powdered sugar
1 1/2 cups unsweetened cocoa
2 cups chopped walnuts
1 cup powdered sugar for rolling

1. Melt butter in large saucepan.
2. Puree avocado in food processor until very smooth, adding a little melted butter if necessary.
3. Add avocado, vanilla and orange extracts, 4 cups powdered sugar, cocoa, and walnuts to saucepan with melted butter. Mix well.
4. Refrigerate until hard.
5. Roll tablespoons of mixture into balls. Roll in powdered sugar.

* To freeze, place them on a cookie sheet; when frozen seal in a freezer bag.

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